第十二届国际汉语电脑教学研讨会 (TCLT12)
The 12th International Conference and Workshops on Technology and Chinese Language Teaching
June 22 - 23, 2024, Online, University of California, Los Angeles


Conference date and time are based on US Eastern Daylight Time (EDT, c.f., New York Time) (World clock)

Submission URL


  1. Abstract submission: March 15, 2024
  2. Full paper submission (Optional): May 15, 2024
    1. Paper preparation instructions and style sheet (Word doc)
    2. Sample Word templates: Chinese, English

Abstract submission is handled through Microsoft's conference management service known as Microsoft CMT. On or before March 15, 2024, abstract will be accepted. Instructions for full paper submission for the Conference Proceedings will be available on or before April 30, 2024.

Past users of Microsoft CMT: If you have used the system before (e.g., you may have used it for CLTA conferences), please refer to Step 3.

Step 1 Sign up for an account

Click on the following link to visit the abstract submission page hosted by Microsoft CMT:


You will be led to a login page, which looks like the following:

If you have not used Microsoft CMT before, click on the Register link to proceed. You will be asked to provide your email, affiliation info, etc.

Step 2 Activate your account

You will receive an activation email sent from Microsoft CMT in the email box you provide in Step 1. Click on the link in the body of the email message to activate your account.

Step 3 Login and submit your abstract

Once your account is ready, visit the submission link again


and follow the instructions on the submission page.

If you have collaborators, you can add your colleagues' email on the submission page.

If you have used Microsoft CMT before, you may see the following screen

Click on the All Conferences tab and search for TCLT if the conference is not listed under the 'My Conferences' tab.

For help

Please email tclt12@tclt.us if you have any questions or need technical assistance.