A double blind peer reviewed online publication with in-print supplement since 2010    ISSN: 1949-260X

JTCLT Abstract

Volume 10 Number 2, 2019
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Watanabe, Y., Omae, T., & Odo, S. (2019). Investigating the Effect of Chinese Pronunciation Teaching Materials Using Speech Recognition and Synthesis Functions. Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching, 10(2), 102-124.
[渡邉ゆきこ, 大前智美, & 小渡悟. (2019). 利用语音识别及语音合成功能的汉语语音教材的教学效果研究. 科技与中文教学 (Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching), 10(2), 102-124.]

Full paper


Research on teaching pronunciation using computers has finally become prominent in recent Chinese language education in Japan. A more focused method of teaching pronunciation, computer assisted pronunciation teaching (CAPT), which uses speech recognition, has become a subject of research because of its effectiveness. This paper gives an overview of the current state of CAPT in Chinese pronunciation education in Japan and China. It introduces the conception and implementation of the ST Lab (Speech Training Laboratory), an original CAPT teaching platform that uses speech recognition and speech synthesis functions. ST Lab features a teaching material creation interface and thus can be used in conjunction with any textbook or existing learning material. The paper also includes a section that provides preliminary evidence for the ST Lab system’s effect on learning in Chinese language class after one and a half years.

近年来在汉语教育中,一些使用电脑教学的语音教学研究逐渐增加,被称为“CAPT”(电脑辅助语音教学)。其中,利用语音识别功能的语音教学研究尤以其显著效果备受瞩目。本文概述CAPT在日本和中国的汉语语音教学之现状,并讨论利用语音识别和语音合成功能开发具有制作语言教材功能的教学系统ST Lab之功能。最后以一年半的实际教学状况证实其教学的初步效果。

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