Cheng, H., Hung, H., & & Yeh, T. (2021). The Effects of Multimedia Assisted Materials for Self-Learning Chinese Characters. Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching, 12(1), 23-50. [鄭琇仁, 洪新涵, & 葉庭嘉. (2021). 多媒体教材对初级汉字学习者自主学习之影响. 科技与中文教学 (Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching), 12(1), 23-50.]
Based on the concept of self-learning, this study aims to investigate the impact of the two types of multimedia assisted Chinese characters’ materials on learning efficiency, perceptions, styles, and strategies. Researchers designed radical-based cards and the Chinese characters learning contents presented in augmented reality forms and in printed booklets. Six subjects, international exchange students from a national university located in southern Taiwan, participated in a 6-week classroom experiment where they received weekly Chinese characters learning content and learned it in self-learning mode. Data were collected through pretests and posttests, interviews, and in-class observations. A mixed method was conducted to analyze data qualitatively and quantitatively. The findings showed that (1) the multimedia assisted Chinese characters’ learning materials promoted learning efficiency in two forms; learning with booklets helps remembering pinyin and augmented reality materials help radical recognition. (2) students perceived self-learning materials for learning Chinese characters positively. (3) most students were mixed learners of visual and kinesthetic learning styles. (4) booklets and AR materials triggered Chinese learners’ learning strategies accordingly. Findings can be the references for Chinese characters teaching and learning or teacher training. Research discussions and suggestions for further studies were included. 本研究從自主學習探討兩種多媒體教材對漢字自學模式之「學習成效」、「學習觀感」、「學習型態」、「學習策略」四方面的結果。研究團隊設計部件概念的字本位字卡,以擴增實境和紙本小書兩類為延伸教材形式,針對6位在台灣初學漢字的國際交換生進行研究。執行為期6週的系統性以及階段性的自學模式並搭配其實體課程進行學習評量,以小份量的學習內容漸進式學習,並採用混合研究法分析質性與量化資料,收集6次的測驗,1次的訪談調查,8筆觀察記錄。研究結果顯示(1) 擴增實境和紙本小書兩種類型的素材對漢字初學者的辨識漢字具成效; 傳統紙本小書的形式有助於記憶拼音,AR卡則有助於部件認讀, (2)學習者對兩種自學漢字認讀教材都表示高度的肯定,(3)多數學習者屬視覺與動覺合併的學習型態;(4)兩種素材的特性皆啟動不同學習者偏愛的學習策略。此研究之結果可作為數位教與學的參考,研究建議與限制於本文討論。