Xu, H., & & Li, Y. (2021). Using Online Applications to Enhance Phonetic Acquisition among Learners of Chinese. Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching, 12(1), 51-81. [徐红英, & 李艳. (2021). 网络应用对汉语学习者语音习得的有效性研究. 科技与中文教学 (Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching), 12(1), 51-81.]
Previous literature shows gaps in effective ways to enhance phonetic acquisition among beginning-level learners of Chinese, including tones, initials, and finals, especially in settings outside of laboratories. The present study explored the effectiveness of integrating self-paced use of online applications in non-lab settings in helping students improve their perception and production of Chinese syllables. Three groups of participants were recruited and they underwent training in different settings: one group received four 15-minute sessions using online applications in class; one group completed the same sessions outside of class; the third group received traditional teacher-led instruction and pen-and-paper Pinyin practice in place of the practices using online applications. The two experiment groups performed similarly: both groups showed better retention of their gains after the training ended than the traditional instruction group. Learners also embraced the use of these online applications as effective learning aids. 文献显示目前对如何帮助中文初级阶段学生有效习得中文语音的研究,特别是在日常课堂环境下进行的习得研究比较缺乏。本研究探讨了网络应用在日常教学中帮助中文入门级学生习得中文语音系统方面所起的作用,包括帮助学生提高辨识、认读中文音节的准确性。一共有三组学生参加了本次研究:一个实验组在课上进行了四次15分钟的使用网络应用的拼音练习;另一个实验组在课下进行了四次15分钟的使用网络应用的拼音练习;第三组则在实验组使用网络应用进行拼音练习的时间内,在课堂内采用传统教师带领下的语音训练、在课外进行传统的纸笔拼音听力练习。结果发现实验组的学生相较对照组的学生在训练结束后较好地保持了辨识、认读中文音节的准确性。这些学生也把网络应用视为一种有效的学习辅助工具。