Zhang, S. (2021). Integrating Augmented Reality into a Task-Based Thematic Language Teaching Unit. Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching, 12(2), 29-48. [张胜兰. (2021). 增强现实在任务型主题单元教学中的运用. 科技与中文教学 (Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching), 12(2), 29-48.]
This case study explores ways that one type of technology, Augmented Reality (AR), are used with a task-based thematic unit to improve beginning language learners’ speaking and listening skills. Researchers and practitioners have started to use AR in teaching languages. The few empirical studies that examined the use of AR in language teaching primarily examine whether AR can improve English language learners' vocabulary and their motivation in learning. It is still not clear how AR can be integrated effectively into the curriculum and no research has been done on how to use AR to improve foreign language learners' speaking and listening abilities. This study adopts the design-based research method, describes the design, development and implementation of an AR component that utilizes the app Post Reality in a task-based unit to improve students’ speaking and listening, and examines students’ perceptions of utilizing AR in this way. Data were collected using survey and a focus group interview. The results show that students benefit from this learning experience in terms of their speaking and listening skills. The study includes suggestions of ways to make improvements in the use of AR in language learning. 此个案研究旨在探索如何将增强现实技术应用到任务型主题单元教学之中以提高中文作为外语学习者的听说能力。虽然已有学者和一线教学人员将这一技术运用到语言教学中,但现有的少数几个实证研究都着重于如何用它帮助学习词汇和加强学习动机。如何将其有效地整合进总体课程设计中,以及如何利用它提高外语学习者的听说能力,目前仍未得到应有的研究。本文采用基于设计的研究方法(设计本位研究法), 详细描述旨在提高中文学习者听说能力而将增强现实技术中的后现实应用程序(Post Reality) 融入任务型主题单元教学的设计、开发与实施过程,并考察学生对此设计的认知。问卷及焦点小组访谈的结果表明,学生的听说能力均有所提高。学生也对如何更好地运用增强现实技术提出了建议。