A double blind peer reviewed online publication with in-print supplement since 2010    ISSN: 1949-260X

JTCLT Abstract

Volume 13 Number 2, 2022
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Wu, S. (2022). Chinese Online Teaching and Learning: The CMU OLI Chinese Online Program. Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching, 13(2), 64-77.
[吴素美. (2022). 网上中文教与学: CMU OLI 网上中文课程. 科技与中文教学 (Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching), 13(2), 64-77.]

Full paper


This paper introduces and describes the design of the Online Chinese curriculum developed for the Open Learning Initiative (OLI) platform at Carnegie Mellon University. The course addresses the four skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing, and also includes culture learning components for beginning Chinese. It will provide detailed information on the curriculum design, scope and sequence, content and online tutor exercise modules. It will also showcase the behavior data and assessment outcomes collected by the system and discuss how to effectively incorporate them into a pedagogically effective and efficient Chinese online curriculum.

本文介绍描述美国卡内基梅隆大学在网上开放学习计画 (OLI) 平台里所开发的网上中文课程。此网上初级中文课程一共为期两个学期, 课程内容包括听说读写四大技能及文化重点信息。文中将详细地介绍此网上中文课程的范围与顺序, 学习内容及网上的人机互动练习平台等等。文中也将展示一些由OLI电脑系统所收集到的学习者的学习行为, 情况及测试评量等数据, 并讨论如何将此学习数据有效地回馈给教师及研究者, 并帮助教师如何把这些学习数据有效地应用到课堂教学里, 以此提供一个更具效用与效率的网上中文教学课程。

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