Huang, A. (2012). Scaffold with backward design: A Weibo perspective. Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching, 3(1), 45-55. [黄韫之. (2012). 支架式反向教学设计:以微博为例. 科技与中文教学 (Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching), 3(1), 45-55.]
This paper will focus on the discussion of the personalized Chinese teaching of using authentic materials from SinaWeibo, a major micro-blogging site in China. Examples of four genres from Weibo, including text, picture, interview and video will be discussed. The paper will further suggest the concept of backward design of teaching tasks and address the importance of scaffolding strategies in teaching Chinese Weibo. 本文从微博内容的鲜活和丰富性出发,延伸探讨个人化中文教学模式。笔者以文字微博、图片微博、名人微访谈与视频微博这 4类具有提升学生阅读、口头表达与书面交际能力功能的新浪微博语体(Weibo 4G, G 即 Genres) 作为语料,提出反向设计课程内容,指出以学生兴趣专业背景提供语料、桥接新旧知识、举例阐述范例演示这 3种不同支架教学方法,并强调其对于微博教学的重要性。