A double blind peer reviewed online publication with in-print supplement since 2010    ISSN: 1949-260X

JTCLT Abstract

Volume 4 Number 1, 2013
Full issue PDF

Liu, Y. (2013). Undulating Scale Analysis of Chinese Negative Intonation Produced by Beginning Learners. Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching, 4(1), 37-49.
[刘艺. (2013). 汉语初学者否定句语调的起伏度分析. 科技与中文教学 (Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching), 4(1), 37-49.]

Full paper


On the basis of acoustic analysis of Chinese negative sentences produced by elementary learners and native speakers, the paper aims to examine the differences between learners and native speakers in term of full range, sub-group range, intonation pattern, genders and features of negative word. The paper also studied the acquisition of Chinese intonation and further proposed teaching strategy. The findings of the paper can be taken as reference in Chinese intonation teaching.


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Department of World Languages, Literatrues, and Cultures, Middle Tennessee State University
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