A double blind peer reviewed online publication with in-print supplement since 2010    ISSN: 1949-260X

JTCLT Abstract

Volume 4 Number 2, 2013
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Zhang, P. (2013). Using video to promote the acquisition of advanced proficiency. Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching, 4(2), 69-85.
[张霓. (2013). 利用视频短片促进高级表达技能的获得. 科技与中文教学 (Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching), 4(2), 69-85.]

Full paper


The rapid development of web and mobile technologies enabled the wide spread availability of video resources. However, despite the explosion of new resources and the ease of use of new technologies, Chinese instruction at advanced levels seems to linger on at the traditional single-mode of material delivery. The new challenge that Chinese teachers face is the effective use of increasingly rich video resources to optimize language instruction and promote the development of advanced proficiency. In fact, the expected skills in narration and description are the weakest links in our advanced-level materials. The author believes that video is an ideal medium for these skills, allowing fast language development in a relatively short period of time. Video therefore should be built into the instructional structure. This article will address advanced Chinese instruction and propose some instructional designs for using video from both the instructivist and constructivist perspectives. The author will analyze the role of video in the descriptive and narrative writing activities using her self-made narrative video segments with student writing samples.

网络和移动技术的迅速发展使视频资源日益扩大。然而,面对快速发展的新资源和便捷的新技术,中文高年级的教学在很大程度上仍然停留在传统单一的课本教学方式上。当前中文教师面临的挑战是,如何利用日益丰富的视频资源和便捷的新技术来优化教学方式、促进高年级学生的表达技能发展。尤其需要注意的是,高级程度所要求的描述、叙述等表达技能向来是我们传统教程中的薄弱环节。笔者认为,视频教学是训练叙述技能的理想方式和手段,短时而高效, 应融入教学主体之中。本文将针对高年级的教学设计提出建议,从讲授教导式与建构式教学法的角度探讨视频教学的优势和潜力,并以自己制作的叙事短片教学设计和学生写作为例,分析视频方式在描述与叙述技能发展中所起的积极作用。

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Department of World Languages, Literatrues, and Cultures, Middle Tennessee State University
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