A double blind peer reviewed online publication with in-print supplement since 2010    ISSN: 1949-260X

JTCLT Abstract

Volume 5 Number 1, 2014
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Chen, H. (2014). Blend your lessons through flipped and seamless learning. Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching, 5(1), 75-82.
[陳姮良. (2014). 應用無縫與翻轉學習模式在中文教學的融合與統整應用. 科技与中文教学 (Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching), 5(1), 75-82.]

Full paper


Blended learning, one to one mobile learning, seamless learning, and interactive applications are on the rise and are playing important roles in assisting Chinese language learning in the 21st century. This paper will focus on the importance of switching between devices and contexts for a fluid learning experience via learning hubs, the interactive teaching platforms such as 1know and blendspace. In this paper, the author analyzes the Flipped classroom teaching model and interactive style through learning hub platform applications. She also shows how to use learning hubs to blend lessons and stimulate students to access, engage, and practice their learning eagerly. Additionally, she provides options and suggestions for teachers to design a lesson where students are interacting effectively both in and out of the classroom.

一對一的數位學習、無縫學習、互動融合教學等模式與應用,近年來在華語文教學裡扮演極重要的輔助學習的角色。如何透過個人行動工具,隨時、隨地,在課室、在家裡,跨時、異地地透過無線網路、無縫的教學平台與翻轉模式(Flipped models)教學設計,使學習者能更有趣且更有效地參與各項語言學習活動,是本文所關注的課題。本文以筆者在美國高中正式外語學習課程教學設計為例,說明如何利用learning hubs的概念,應用如1know, blendspace等平台,及Flipped models進行外語教學設計及統整,建立學習的playlist,並分析學習者的學習成效與數位學習使用心得。

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