A double blind peer reviewed online publication with in-print supplement since 2010    ISSN: 1949-260X

JTCLT Abstract

Volume 8 Number 1, 2017
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Lin, C., Liu, H., & Hu, Y. (2017). Technology and the Education of Chinese-language Teachers: Where Are We Now?. Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching, 8(1), 1-15.
[林金锡, 刘海霞, & 胡莹. (2017). 科技与中文教师教育之现况与发展. 科技与中文教学 (Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching), 8(1), 1-15.]

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Technology is exerting a profound influence on the development of Chinese-language skills and on the education of teachers of that language around the world. This qualitative synthesis of quantitative and qualitative research addressed trends and gaps in the literature related to technology and Chinese-language teacher education. The three main strands of research covered were 1) technology standards in Chinese-language teacher education, 2) the actual application of technology in such education, and 3) factors predicting Chinese-language teachers’ technology adoption. Three major findings emerged. First, technology standards need to recognize an urgent need to agree upon and teach specific sets of skills, as theorized in frameworks such as Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK). Second, while consistent improvements in Chinese-language teachers’ technology knowledge and technological-pedagogical knowledge have been reported, three other key components – i.e., training, practice and reflection – need to be better integrated into their teacher-training models. Third, two external factors (resources and support) and three internal factors (pedagogical beliefs, technology knowledge and demographics) emerged as crucial to technology integration among these teachers. Based on these results, this review offers a series of recommendations to practitioners, policy-makers and teacher educators.

教育技术对于对外汉语能力的发展与对外汉语教师教育,有著重要的影响。此篇质性论文综述,针对已发表的质化、量化研究,指出科技与教师教育研究的发展与研究缺口。本文总结出三个研究方向:1) 科技与对外汉语教师教育标准;2) 科技与对外汉语教师教育;3) 影响对外汉语教师使用科技的因素。三个主要发现为:第一,依据科技学科教学知识,科技标准必须认识到科技知能是完全不同的能力。第二,虽然教师的科技知识与科技学科在培训之后增长,在训练过程,三个重要环节:培训、练习与反思,必须更紧密地融入科技与对外汉语教师培训之中。第三,两个外在因素(资源与支持) 和三个内在因素 (教师信念、教师知识、教师个人背景) 会影响到对外汉语教师是否使用教育科技于教学之中。依据这些发现,本文为对外汉语教师、教师教育与政策制定者提供了建议。

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