Hsin, S.-C., Hsieh, C. L., & Chang-Blust, L. (2017). Preservice Teacher Training for Online Chinese Teaching: A Case of Distance Courses for High School Learners. Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching, 8(1), 86-103. [信世昌, 謝佳玲, & 張美智. (2017). 華語線上教師之職前培訓:針對美國高中遠距華語課程之個案. 科技与中文教学 (Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching), 8(1), 86-103.]
With the advancement of Internet technology, using videoconferencing becomes a feasible approach for teaching Chinese language courses online. This approach is especially beneficial to foreign-language learners who are typically lacking opportunities to freely communicate with native speakers. In order to meet the demands of such learners, a collaborative project between a high school in Hawaii and a collegiate research team in Taiwan was initiated in 2014. A group of well-trained graduate students served as synchronized online Chinese tutors for Chinese language classes at the high school. The online language-learning course is designed for enhancing both the native Chinese teachers' instructional guidance and enriching the target students' learning environments. For such distance courses, many factors should be taken into consideration, including pedagogies, online materials, students grouping, technical support and teacher/tutor training. Since teachers are involved in the above dimensions, teachers' professional cultivation, as well as teacher training process, is essential to successful implementation of distance courses. To enhance the teacher fostering efficiency, a process that consists five stages including pre-service courses, video clips review, class observation, teaching practice, and adjustment was applied. 隨著網路科技的進步,透過即時視訊會議來進行華語教學成為一項可行的門徑,尤其可惠及那些缺乏與中文母語者交談機會的學生。為了迎合此類學生的需求,自2014起由美國夏威夷某高中與台灣某大學的研究團隊共同展開了華語遠距教學合作項目。同步線上授課教師是一群經過正規華語教學訓練的研究生擔任,此課程一方面是讓研究生提升其教學技能,另方面也使這所高中的學習環境更形開擴。對於這類遠距課程而言,許多因素需要納入考慮,包括遠距教學法、線上學習材料、技術支援及教師培訓。由於教師本身即是這些因素的執行者,教師專業栽培及培訓過程是成功的關鍵因素,為了提升教師培育的成效,研究團隊規劃了一套流程,包括了職前課程、錄像覽評、觀課旁聽、教學練習及教學調整等五個步驟。