Tian, Y. (2020). Error Tolerance of Machine Translation: Findings from Failed Teaching Design. Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching, 11(1), 19-35. [田野. (2020). 机器翻译的容错性:从一个失败的教学设计中得到意外发现. 科技与中文教学 (Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching), 11(1), 19-35.]
Science is constantly being revised, and failure is crucial to this process. This study is enlightened by the findings of a failed teaching design that aims to train intermediate level Chinese language learners to use Machine Translation as a self-editing tool to improve their writing proficiency. This study finds that Sogou Translate possesses a powerful error tolerance feature that can correctly translate students’ Chinese sentences into correct English sentences, even though these sentences may contain various errors made by Chinese language learners, including misspellings, typos, misusing homonyms, misusing the part of speech of a word, misusing synonyms, ungrammatical phrases, and incorrect word or sentence order. This study also suggests three areas to further investigate and to apply error tolerance features of Machine Translation in the field of Chinese language teaching. 失败对科学的发展至关重要,本研究同样源自一项不成功的中文教学设计。该教学设计训练中级水平的中文学生使用机器翻译作为自主纠错工具,目的是为了提高他们的写作水平。然而本研究发现搜狗翻译包含强大的容错性,即使这些学生的中文写作中包含学习者常犯的各种错误,搜狗翻译仍然可以将其翻译成正确的英文。这些错误包括拼写错误,写错别字,误用同音异义词,误用词类,误用同义词,不合语法的表达,错误的词序语序等。本研究亦指出在中文教学领域进一步研究甚至应用机器翻译容错性的三个方向。