Hu, W.-C. (2021). The Theoretical Foundation of Virtual Reality Assisted Language Learning and Its application in TCSL. Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching, 12(2), 66-85. [胡文菊. (2021). 虛擬實境科技運用於語言學習的理論背景與華語教學範例. 科技与中文教学 (Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching), 12(2), 66-85.]
In recent years, virtual reality (VR) technology has been applied in many fields. In Chinese language teaching, learners can learn contextualized language and then generate better learning results when learning in real contexts. In this respect, virtual reality technology is of great value because it can help learners to go beyond the boundary of classroom limitations and experience different scenes and cultural contexts virtually. This paper first reviews relevant theories underpinning VR-assisted learning, and outlines a theoretical framework for VR-assisted language learning. It then shares a qualitative study about using VR in Chinese language learning. Preliminary results suggest that learners are highly motivated to use VR to learn Chinese. Finally, suggestions for teaching practice are provided. 在現代,虛擬實境的技術其實已開始運用在各個領域。在華語教學中,學習者如果能在真實的語境中進行學習應當是最理想的學習狀態,但這樣的學習環境在真實世界裡往往需要克服多重阻礙才能偶一為之。反觀虛擬實境技術能打破教室的圍牆,帶學生體驗不同的場景與文化語境,虛擬實境科技可以讓教學實現新的可能性。本論文首先將分析虛擬實境輔助學習的相關理論,並嘗試提出一個虛擬實境輔助語言學習的理論架構,文中也介紹一個將虛擬實境科技運用在華語教學的範例,透過使用者經驗的訪談中瞭解虛擬實境輔助語言教學的學習本質,受試者對於此種虛擬實境的學習方法感到高度興趣且給予正面的評價。最後我們歸納出此種學習方式的優缺點,並對教學應用及未來研究方面提出具體的建議。