A double blind peer reviewed online publication with in-print supplement since 2010    ISSN: 1949-260X

JTCLT Abstract

Volume 12 Number 2, 2021
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Lee, I., & Chen, H. (2021). Effective Practices of Synchronous and Asynchronous Emergency Remote Chinese Language Teaching. Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching, 12(2), 86-98.
[李怡慧, & 陳惠卿. (2021). 同步和非同步應急遠程中文教學:大學和中學教學實踐分享. 科技与中文教学 (Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching), 12(2), 86-98.]

Full paper


This article reports how two Chinese language instructors, teaching at a private grades 6-12 school and a university respectively, transformed face-to-face courses into an online format Spring 2020 due to the global Covid-19 pandemic. First, both instructors’ instructional contexts and pedagogical principles are briefly stated. Second, the instructors share their experience on how to conduct emergency remote teaching, categorized into a synchronous format with an emphasis on the interpersonal mode, and an asynchronous format with an emphasis on interpretive and presentational modes. Online testing is also discussed. The authors reflect on their experience of emergency remote teaching and argue that it is time to blur the traditional boundary between face-to-face teaching and online teaching and make the best use of the advantages each can offer in order to improve students’ learning outcomes. It would also make smoother the transition between face-to-face and online teaching.

本文是兩位於美國任教的中文教師 ,分享為應對新冠疫情所實施的應急遠程教學。文章先簡介兩位老師在2020年春季學期所教課程以及在中文教學方法上共同遵循的幾項基本原則;然后將教學實踐分為(1)人際溝通為主的同步網課以及(2)理解詮釋和表達演示為主的非同步網課,說明如何規劃和進行遠程教學,並探討線上教學模式下語言測驗的挑戰且分享實例,文末提出對此次應急遠程教學的省思。筆者們強調,21世紀的外語教學,應該打破傳統實體課程和線上課程的二元化思維,在實體課時就有效地融入線上教學工具,融入兩者優點,以提升語言學習的成效。

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Page last updated: 2020-12-31