A double blind peer reviewed online publication with in-print supplement since 2010    ISSN: 1949-260X

JTCLT Abstract

Volume 14 Number 1, 2023
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Chang, L.-P., Tseng, Y. (2023). The Effects of an Experimental Course Using Data-Driven Learning Approach in Chinese as a Second Language. Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching, 14(1), 1-25.
[張莉萍, & 曾鈺婷. (2023). 語料驅動學習的華語實驗課程與成效分析. 科技与中文教学 (Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching), 14(1), 1-25.]

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The Data-Driven Learning (DDL) approach advocates for learners to transition from passive recipients of knowledge to active researchers by using typical, large-scale, and context-rich target language inputs to drive a bottom-up learning process (Johns, 1990). Given the scarcity of empirical research on applying DDL in Chinese as a Second Language (CSL) classrooms, this study designed a teaching experiment for confusable words to explore the effects and learners' attitudes towards the approach. Five advanced-level CSL learners with different native language backgrounds were recruited, and taught ten sets of confusable words over a five-week period. The first five lessons used an indirect DDL method, while the latter five used a direct DDL method with Sketch Engine. Prior to the course, a pre-test was conducted, and after completion, a questionnaire, post-test, and interviews were administered. The post-test showed an average improvement of 24% over the pre-test, and the Wilcoxon signed-rank test indicated a statistically significant improvement in applying DDL to learning confusable words. Furthermore, learners had a positive attitude towards the course, generally favoring learning vocabulary through collocations, and preferred to observe pre-selected concordance lines under the guidance of the instructor.

語料驅動學習(Data-Driven Learning, DDL)主張讓學習者從被動的知識接收者轉為主動的研究者,透過典型、大量且具語境的目標語輸入,驅動一個由下而上的學習過程(Johns, 1990)。鑑於DDL應用於華語課堂的實證研究極少,本研究設計了一個針對易混淆詞的教學實驗課程,以初步探知此種教學法之學習成效以及學習者對於DDL的態度或看法。招募五位不同母語背景的中、高級程度華語學習者,教授10組易混淆詞,課程總計5週,10個課時,前五個課時使用DDL間接教學法,後五個課時採用Sketch Engine平台進行DDL直接教學法。課程前,進行前測,課程結束後發放問卷、進行後測與訪談。就學習成效而言,後測通過率較前測平均提升了24%,本研究使用Wilcoxon檢驗其具有統計顯著性,顯示將DDL應用於易混淆詞的學習具有良好的成效。另外,透過問卷與訪談,得知學習者對此課程抱持正面態度,並偏好在教學者引導下觀察經過篩選過的語料,普遍喜歡以詞語搭配方法來學習詞彙。

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