A double blind peer reviewed online publication with in-print supplement since 2010    ISSN: 1949-260X

JTCLT Abstract

Volume 2 Number 1, 2011
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Chen, J. (2011). Application of VoiceThread in Chinese teaching and learning:Some examples. Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching, 2(1), 81-94.
[蘇芳儀. (2011). VoiceThread 應用於中文教學的幾個例子. 科技与中文教学 (Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching), 2(1), 81-94.]

Full paper


VoiceThread, an interactive collaboration online tool, allows people to collect and share group conversations in multimedia formats at one place from anywhere in the world. It can be used as a powerful tool in language teaching and learning to improve student listening and speaking skills. This article first introduces what VoiceThread is, including its presentation methods, registration information, and its three major working areas. In the second section, the author shares how she used VoiceThread in the Chinese teaching and learning, such as for lesson reviews, culture reports, group work, discussion, and exams. In the third section, the article compares VoiceThread with other online voice recording tools(e.g., Wimba, Voki); and discusses the advantages of using VoiceThread, such as encouraging student participation and making language learning more engaging; helping to promote creative critical thinking and collaborative skills. In the last section, the article provides suggestions for instructors and researchers interested in using VoiceThread in Chinese language teaching and learning.

課堂時數有限, 學生聽和說話的時間常常不足, 針對學習需求來設計口語練習作業, 使每位學生都有練習聽說的機會, 是筆者起初使用 VoiceThread 來設計教學練習的動機。文章第一個部分介紹甚麼是 VoiceThread 及其及技術上的使用, 包括 VoiceThread 的呈現方式, 如何註冊一個帳號, 和VoiceThread 三個主要區域的功能。第二個部分主要介紹筆者應用 VoiceThread 於中文教學的實際例子。文章第三部分中比較 VoiceThread 與其他錄音工具,以及運用VoiceThread 的優點。文章最後為有意將 VoiceThread 運用於中文教學的教師提了提出實施 Voicethreaed 教學時的幾項要點與建議。

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