Chen, H. (2013). Moodle as a learning aid:An example of Chinese extra-curriculum activity design. Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching, 4(2), 35-54. [陳蕙郁. (2013). 以Moolde為輔助華語學習的課外活動設計. 科技与中文教学 (Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching), 4(2), 35-54.]
This article discusses an example of utilizing Moodle as a learning aid for Chinese language courses offered in a non-Chinese speaking community with limited instructional hours. This Moodle-based extra-curriculum activity incorporates second/foreign language learning theories together with technology in facilitating language acquisition by engaging U.S. college students at various levels of Chinese proficiency in text-based computer-mediated communication. It extends language learning from a classroom setting to the students’ daily life, provides an opportunity for the students to make good use of what they learned in class, and elevates the students’ abilities to use Chinese in authentic interactive communication. The nature of the forum also enables the instructor to provide feedback regarding the students’ linguistic outputs. Students’ outputs are provided and analyzed to provide evidence of language acquisition. 本文為筆者在華語課程中利用 Moodle,以課外筆談活動方式,創造一個有效線上學習環境的經驗分享。此活動是針對上課時數有限且日常生活中缺乏華語環境的課程而設計。筆者運用 Moodle 的群組討論功能將課堂教學與課外活動結合,提供學生運用課堂所學的機會並延長學生使用華語的時間,以增進學習效果及興趣。由此,學生得以在課外彼此以華語交流,教師得以評鑒學生的學習成果及給予反饋,華語的學習得以成功的延伸到課外。