A double blind peer reviewed online publication with in-print supplement since 2010    ISSN: 1949-260X

JTCLT Abstract

Volume 6 Number 1, 2015
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Chisoni, G., & Mushangwe, H. (2015). Evaluating the Impact of the Use of the Internet on Learning Chinese by Students from the Confucius Institute of the University of Zimbabwe. Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching, 6(1), 25-42.
[高飞, & 李开明. (2015). 津巴布韦孔子学院学生在汉语学习当中互联网使用及影响的评价研究. 科技与中文教学 (Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching), 6(1), 25-42.]

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The rise in technology-mediated life activities is now unavoidable throughout the world. The spread of Chinese as a second language and the emergence of the Internet as a source of information and tool for language learning are mutually enforcing trends that need attention from language learners and researchers. The students at the University of Zimbabwe are also not an exception. While the majority of these students are now using the Internet for learning Chinese, there is also need for them to develop some new critical and interpretive skills which will help them to fully utilize the internet for maximum benefit. On the other hand, the teachers of Chinese language and culture need to understand how the Internet is influencing and revolutionizing the learning of Chinese language. This paper therefore evaluates the use of the Internet by University of Zimbabwe students in acquiring Chinese and the need for new frameworks for teaching and learning strategies, which will see students benefiting more from the use of the Internet.

随着网络技术的飞速发展,互联网时代已经进入了我们的生 活并影响了生活很多方面。二十一世纪是一个信息化的时代,在这个 时代学习一门外语是有必要的。由于中国的国际地位不断提高及中国 的经济快速增长,世界很多地方出现了汉语学习的热潮;现在很多国 家重视汉语教学,同时互联网也已经渗透到我们生活的各个领域。现 在很多师生在教学及学习汉语时也已经开始了使用互联网。通过互联 网可以更快的搜到很多汉语学习资料。津巴布韦大学孔子学院的学生 也不会例外。虽然大多数学生现在使用互联网进行汉语学习,但是也 需要先为他们制定一些新的网络学习技能,网络学习方法能帮助他们充分利用互联网学习汉语。在另一方面,汉语教师也需要了解互联网对学生汉语学习的影响。因此,本研究试图对津巴布韦大学孔子学院的学生在学习汉语时使用网络的情况进行评价,并提出一些教学策略和新的教学框架,将来可以让学生更有益的使用网络学习汉语。

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Department of World Languages, Literatrues, and Cultures, Middle Tennessee State University
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