A double blind peer reviewed online publication with in-print supplement since 2010    ISSN: 1949-260X

JTCLT Abstract

Volume 6 Number 1, 2015
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Day, S. (2015). An Introduction to Using iBooks Author 2.0 and Creating Teaching Materials for Chinese Language Instruction. Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching, 6(1), 43-60.
[戴伊. (2015). 介绍如何用苹果爱书2.0作者版本 以及制作中文课的教学材料. 科技与中文教学 (Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching), 6(1), 43-60.]

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This article offers a brief introductory overview of Apple’s iBooks Author version 2.0, in particular new features relevant to language pedagogy, and how it can be used to create original e-books and instructional materials for Chinese (or other) language courses. Although other excellent applications used to create e-books are available, features new to iBooks Author 2.0, namely the addition of interactive widgets, differentiate it from other such applications. By providing immediate feedback to students, the Review widget in particular, I contend, has pedagogic benefits that make iBooks Author worthy of serious consideration for creating original course materials, despite proprietary limitations based on platform. The article will conclude with a summary of the benefits and limitations of using iBooks Author 2.0 to create instructional materials in Chinese.

本文简明扼要地介绍了苹果爱书2.0作者版本的全貌,尤其是新 增的有关语言教学的功能,以及如何用该版本来制作新颖的汉语及其它 语言课程的电子书和教学材料。尽管市面上也有别的优秀的应用软件, 但苹果爱书2・0作者版本的新功能,也就是互动视窗,令它从众多其他 应用版本中脱颖而出。我可以负责任的说,苹果爱书的复习视窗是很值 得考量的功能,尽管在使用平台上它有所有权方面的局限,但它通过给 学生提供及时的回馈,具备了在创作课程材料时的独特教学优势。本文 最后总结了使用苹果爱书2.0作者版本制作汉语教学材料方面的优点和局限性。

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